How National Check-in Week Works
National Check-in Week brings focus to the wellbeing needs of every child every day by encouraging a habit of regularly checking-in with students and starting important conversations.

The Week starts 22 May, 2023.
The check-in tool, Life Skill GO, is provided for FREE during National Check-in Week! Once registered, all you need to do is:
1 Set up your school (which can be done directly or via Sentral for an even easier experience)
2 Check-in students (taking seconds each day) during National Check-in Week
Register and get free access to Life Skills GO
- Registered schools will receive free access to the Life Skills GO Emotion Check-in for four weeks from the start of National Check-in Week.
- Students then complete daily check-ins for one school week, each taking only a few seconds.
- Based on the response, students also receive adaptive online content, which is designed to help identify, manage and regulate emotions to help improve their readiness to learn.
- We will provide Life Skills GO to schools who participate in the National Check-In Week time to review student emotion check-in data. This data can help support their wellbeing programs and help answer the big check-in question – how can we best support our students?

1 Set up your school
Once registered you will receive an email with short, simple instructions on how to set up for your school.
2 Check-in students
We recommend that you run your first check-in before National Check-in Week to ensure you can confidently run those daily check-in’s.
Watch the short videos below to see how to run your Emotion check-in.
Getting Started Tutorials
How to check-in students
How to read check-in data
Schools take part in the National Check-in Week by checking in each day using Life Skills GO Emotion Check-in tool.

Emotion Check-in Quick Start

The Emotion Check-in can be run via one-to-one devices or Smartboards.
On Smartboards, students select their name and emotion. This simultaneously records their emotional response and attendance.
Context is also provided by each student on their response.
No additional workload is placed on teachers or staff to collect real-time attendance, learner readiness and emotional state data.

Helps identify student areas of need
The easy to navigate feed provides clear visual feedback on each students response, context and learner readiness in real-time or longitudinally.
Teachers are able to add their own comments for observations of major and minor incidents.
With the Sentral integration, this data rolls up into the student profile.

Holistic learner profiles
Student emotion responses are fed back in real-time and provide longitudinal data.
Student readiness to learn combines with Sentral data on attendance and incidents to offer a full holistic learning profile.
With the Sentral integration, all reports and data are available within the Wellbeing dashboard.